MASH BATH General Information
IEC began working for local government and private malting and barley laboratories back in the 1960’s and now export to many countries around the world, including USA, Canada, South Africa, Zimbabwe, New Zealand and Philippines.
The "IEC" Mash Bath is designed to perform the International Standard process on various cereals for the Malting, Brewing and other industries.
The bench mount range includes the small 6, 9, 12 and 16 head models, with additional pots for the distilled water volumes. The bench mount range are more suitable for smaller labs with lower output.
The floor mount range includes the larger 16, 20, 25 and 30 head models, with integral distilled water storage and dispensing. The floor mount range are more suitable for larger labs with higher output..
All models feature a controller with a large colour touch-panel interface, to control and monitor the cycle, check machine status and edit programs. The controller stores 8 programs, all of which can be fully modified by the user. All Mash Baths have Ethernet connectivity available, to remotely monitor and control the Mash Bath by PC, iOS or Android device via the lab's Wi-Fi network.
The latest "IEC" Mash Baths have individual DC stirrer motors to eliminate pulleys and drive belts, resulting in a quieter and more reliable machine. Temperature sensing and distilled water dispensing accuracy can be easily calibrated by the user in the password-protected editing section of the touch-panel.
We are very proud of the quality and reliability of our Mash Baths, along with our exceptional customer support.
Operation Manual